Aliens and Strangers — Current Series!

Join us for this important series — begins Sunday, April 7 at 10am — click here for more information

New series begins Sunday, April 7 at 10am

In this series, we're asking the question: How does the gospel inform our perspective on the issues listed above? We believe churches need to address these topics. If the church doesn't address these matters, where else will we learn? The world will certainly teach us about them (and they would love to and currently do teach our children). Come join us and let's find out what the Scriptures say together!


Begins Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30pm

We will once again be offering the opportunity to take Sunday's message deeper into the Scriptures. Each week we willl study the previous Sunday's message by looking into the Scriptures for more understanding, more application, and more opportunities to ask questions and for discussion. It is a casual and fun time to not only learn Bible content, but also how to study and understand the Scriptures for yourself! We fellowship/worship/pray/study together — it starts on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30pm. Sign up with the form below or at the Information Counter in the foyer and we'll see you then!

Aliens and Strangers Life Group Sign-Up Form