Habits of the Household

Join us every other Tuesday at 6:30pm starting March 11 (register by March 4)

Author and father of four Justin Earley reveals practical ways to relieve the tension between how you long to be engaged with your family and what your daily life actually looks like. He will provide the tools you need to create daily habits—from mealtimes to bedtimes—in simple and practical ways that will change your family’s spiritual rhythms. Each session ends with practical patterns, prayers, or liturgies your family can put into practice right away. As you establish a rule of life and create rhythms around your everyday routines, you will find your family has a greater sense of peace and purpose as your home becomes a place where you learn how to love.

Join us every other Tuesday at 6:30pm beginning March 11 at CrossRoads Church of Mason County. Please register by March 4!

Video Bible study in 5 sessions (10 weeks meeting every other Tuesday). There will be a video component each session along with Bible study and discussion led by Pastor Rich Chasse.

Free childcare provided!

Purchase the book and study guide for just $20 (for both or $12 for the book alone or $10 for the study guide alone) from the church (let us know below).