Easter Week Services

We'd love for you to celebrate Easter with us — Sunday, March 31 at 10am (Good Friday details too).

Sunday, March 31 at 10am

This Easter Sunday will be a bit different than in years past. This Easter, Pastor Rich will be presenting a message that ties our current series, "The End of the Age," about the Second Coming of Christ, to his next series that begins the Sunday after Easter called, "Aliens and Strangers" (see page). The message will come from the Parable of the Ten Minas in Luke 19:11-27. Come join us as we celebrate our risen Savior and learn the importance of how we live in this world in light of the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Want more information about what the CrossRoads is like? Click the link below.


Friday, March 29 at 7pm at Calvary Baptist Church in Ludington

We also have a combined Good Friday service with churches of like faith offering sober reflection on Christ's sacrifice and a communion remembrance.

Friday, March 29 at 7pm at Calvary Baptist Church in Ludington (220 N. Jebavy Drive).